Enrolling in an international school can give a lot of pressure to your child, what’s more, it can get especially stressful for your child if its their first time as he or she might experience a “culture shock” because of the various nationalities as well as other factors that must be taken into consideration. But don’t worry, to help you and your child, we have prepared some tips on how to get your child ready before entering an international school.
Tutor Your Child While on Vacation
Before the school year starts or even before enrolling your child in an international school, you should make sure that you tutor him or her first. As your child will be studying in a different setting with new subjects, it is important for them to have an overview of the various subjects.
If you are unable to give tuition to your child on your own, don’t worry as most of the best international schools in Singapore offer a personal tutor for students who need attention. Moreover, these teachers offer home service tutor programs which you can avail and make your child ready before the school year starts.
Always Speak with Your Child in the English Language
International schools impose strict guidelines when it comes to speaking the English language. If English is not your native language, then all the more you should start speaking it at home as honing your child at a very young age in using the English language is very crucial so that he or she will not a hard time while he or she is studying in the international school.
There are a lot of students that are very good English speakers because they are using it as a primary language and by training your child at an early age you will see to it that your child will not be left out by the other kids in terms of skills in speaking the English language.
Always Advice your Child to Stay Away from Vices
As we all know, international schools are facing this problem since the very beginning. Because a number of students that are studying in international schools are exposed to vices mainly because they have the money to buy those vices just like smoking, drinking, or even drug abuse. That is why you must make sure that your son or daughter does not fall to these types of vices.
By confronting your child about this on a regular basis you can enlighten your child on the bad effects of trying those kinds of vices especially if your child is already a teenager who is more prone to falling on these types of vices due to peer pressure. Make sure you prevent it from happening before it becomes too late.
To conclude, it is very important for your child to be successful academically and morally when attending an international school. Follow these tips and you can be sure to direct your children towards the right path with the proper knowledge and guidance.