Useful Tips For Aspiring Photographers Aiming To Go Pro

Professional photographers are masters of the trade who have dedicated their entire career to pursuing photography. They make a living by sourcing for gigs, building relationships with clients and ensuring they deliver on their photographs. Unfortunately, sometimes these pro photographers get overlooked because it is now so easy to pick up a smartphone and take photographs. Unbeknownst to many, these photographers have picked up many tricks over the years of experience that help them ensure their photographs are the best of the best. A team of experienced and dedicated photographers who operate our finest photo booth and event photography services. Here are three of their top tips to getting the perfect photograph anytime, anywhere.

Tip #1: Always ensure the lighting is appropriate for a good photograph

Amateur photographers often discount the importance of good lighting and turn to filters to cover and salvage botched shots. Lighting is one of the main factors of good photography. Having too little light in the photograph results in subjects being shadowed and details lost. This means the photograph is underexposed. Having too much light in the photograph results in ugly stark patches of white. This means the photograph is overexposed. Good photographers will be able to tell when the lighting in the room is perfect for taking a photograph and make adjustments accordingly. The quality and color of light counts too. Usually, for outdoor shoots, photographs of people are likely to turn out less than ideal with too much contrast when the shoot is done in the afternoon. At night photos turn out noisy due to the low amount of light and tungsten lighting from streetlamps makes a person looks orange in photos. It is recommended to carry out day shoots before 10:00am or after 5:00pm, when the sun shines at an angle with the soft, gorgeous, warm natural light that has earned these time periods the name of “golden hours”. For photo shoots after the sun has set, you could do it indoors where lighting can be easily controlled. If it has to be outdoors, equip yourself with a large aperture lens and a camera body with a large sensor and good lowlight capabilities. More importantly, equip yourself with a flashlight, preferably an external one, and color balance it to take away some of the unflattering orange colors streetlamps cast on your photography subjects.

Tip #2: Direct the subject so you can get better shots

Many photographers who are starting out are shy. Because they lack the confidence and experience, they will hesitate to ask their subjects to adjust or move. However, this is something all good photographers must learn how to do. Giving clear, concise direction to the subject will help result in a better photo overall. It can be as simple as asking them to turn more to their left or right or to come closer together. Photographers must remember that the photo subjects cannot see how the photo looks like; only the photographers can. Therefore, it is the photographer’s responsibility to ensure the subject is positioned to capture the best possible photograph. Of course, when the photograph comes out beautifully, the subject will be thankful for your efforts.

Tip #3: Don’t forget to move around

Photographers may be spending their time doing event photography in Singapore. At locations where photographers are free to roam around, it is important to remember that they can move in order to capture a different angle of their photo subjects. Moving around the subject is highly encouraged to get a larger variety of shots to choose from after the event is over. This is one of the reasons why photography can be quite tiring. If there isn’t enough space to move around, then it might be beneficial to tilt the camera and vary your height to get different angles of the same subject. But remember to constantly be taking shots so you don’t miss the key moments.


Photography is a trade that requires experience, hard work and quick wit.

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