COVID-19: Understanding The Groups That Are Most At-Risk

There seemed to be a preconceived misconception that it doesn’t matter if one contracts COVID-19. This misplaced optimism will not only harm your body, but will also affect many others.

Here are some of the groups of individuals who will not be able to bounce back as quickly as many others can.

Apart from giving you fun facts about our laser hair removal treatments, let’s be informed of the current dire situation and the ways you can help yourself and others.

Migrant workers

Regardless of our race or background, COVID-19 has the propensity to have an adverse effect on our daily lives. Arguably, it hits harder for those who are unprivileged.

Not having the same privileges as a regular Singaporean, a cramped and uncomfortable living conditions, and coupled with low salaries, these workers are at risk of not only contracting the disease but also dying.

On 6th April, Singapore had quarantined 20,000 migrant workers after detecting a growing number of infections in their dorms. Fortunately, these workers will still be paid salaries.

Of course, this also leaves those who have yet to be tested in a vulnerable situation, especially if the cramped living conditions are not changed.

 Those who have autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are characterised by an abnormally low activity or overactivity of the immune system. In the case where there is low activity, the disease decreases the body’s ability to fight invaders, in this case, COVID-19.

Should there be an overactivity, this means the body will attack and damage its own tissues, thus decreasing the body’s ability to fight foreign harmful substances and recover from the damage done. 

For these individuals, mild symptoms may very well be a death sentence and a 2-week quarantine may not be enough. 

Those with pre-existing medical conditions 

According to a report by Italy’s National Institute of Health, 99% of COVID-19 patients who have died suffered from at least 1 pre-existing condition, with 50% of them having 3 pre-existing conditions.

Since COVID-19 is a respiratory virus, the infection starts inside the nose before it travels down to your respiratory tract. The protein carried by the virus will then invade your cells and replicate itself, before damaging your respiratory system as a whole.

Now, imagine if you have a pre-existing condition that renders your respiratory system more sensitive and vulnerable than most.

Chances are, your already weak body will be severely affected by the coronavirus, similar to immunocompromised individuals. This is doubly the case if you have any respiratory disease such as asthma or bronchitis. 

The elderly

Even before COVID-19 had travelled to more than 100 countries as it has now, data has suggested that the elderly were the most vulnerable.

This is mainly because our immune system gets weaker as we age. The white blood cells count decrease and the body is less adept at identifying new pathogens.

Thus, our bodies get worse at fighting harmful foreign invaders, thus making them even more vulnerable than their younger counterparts.

What you can do to help

There are so many ways you can help the community fight the pandemic. The most straightforward is to stay at home, unless necessary! Not only will you be reducing the risk of catching COVID-19, you’d also help to contain the spread of the virus.

Another approach is to maintain good personal hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly with soap, and wear your masks if you have to go out.

Take it a step further and donate to a few causes to help the unprivileged, like the migrant workers. You can search for organisations that accept donations, whether it’d be monetary or otherwise, that will undoubtedly help the marginalised. A little goes a long way.

Fulfilling our part, we’d be temporarily ceasing all operations from 7th April 2020 (Tuesday) till 4th May 2020 (Monday). It’s unfortunate that we won’t be there to help you with your unwanted body issues with our hair removal treatments, but pressing matters take precedence! Let’s do our part to flatten the curve!

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